base64 by MonksNuk3Town Rate this item: Rating Rating: 3.8/5. From 39 votes. Please wait... Base64 Encoder/Decoder Get Shortcut Report Shortcut Issue: * Assign this Shortcut to your Account New Shortcut version available Duplicate Not working Shortcut contains malicious code Broken Link Other Your Name: * Your Email: * Details: * Submit Report Related Shortcuts: Universal Encoder: Useful encoder for making fast and efficient phots and... Base64 converter: This shortcut can turn text/file into Base64 format. Also... Cipher and Decipher (Base64, 2 in 1): Lets you cipher and decipher text using Base64. 2... Base64 Generator: Makes Photos, Text Or Files into Base64 Code just... Wonderful Base64 Coder: You can use this very powerful shortcut to encode...