Change dot org billable percent by Julia pak Rate this item: Rating Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote. Please wait... Find out how much change dot org makes as a billable percent to ensure accuracy of you earlier findings. Get Shortcut Report Shortcut Issue: * Assign this Shortcut to your Account New Shortcut version available Duplicate Not working Shortcut contains malicious code Broken Link Other Your Name: * Your Email: * Details: * Submit Report Related Shortcuts: Find out how much a change dot org petition makes: By julia pak @julzpak on twitter This shortcut needs... BattSave: Reduce power usage when battery is low. Do you... Change Font On Safari Website: This shourtcut allows you to change your font on... Change Fonts to San Francisco: This shortcut allows you to change the typefaces on... Tip Calc/Bill Splitter: Use the tip calculator to calculate the tip. With...