Photo Time Stamp - Siri Shortcuts

The shortcut prompts you to select a photo.

It then takes the Date Taken information from the photo’s Metadata, generates a timestamp, and overlays it on the original picture. It also allows you to adjust the opacity, scale (two finger pinch), rotation (again two fingers) and placement of the timestamp before saving it to your camera roll.

What's New

  • 1.3

    Added Variables to set Timestamp cropping to a percentage of the image size in case of different JPEG resolution size. (Ie. Cropped images)

  • 1.2

    Added Variables to set Timestamp cropping to a percentage of the image size in case of different JPEG resolution size. (Ie. Cropped images)

  • 1.1

    Added Variables to set Timestamp cropping to a percentage of the image size in case of different JPEG resolution size. (Ie. Cropped images)