Run JavaScript by R.T. Rate this item: Rating Rating: 4.1/5. From 7 votes. Please wait... これはテキストとして渡された JavaScript を実行するというシンプルなショートカットです。 This is a very simple shortcut. Just run JavaScript code. Get Shortcut Report Shortcut Issue: * Assign this Shortcut to your Account New Shortcut version available Duplicate Not working Shortcut contains malicious code Broken Link Other Your Name: * Your Email: * Details: * Submit Report Related Shortcuts: All-in-One Utilities: All-in-One Utilities is a shortcut that has many different... Inject JavaScript into Webpage: Works like the inspect element console. Works with any... JavaScript Loader: Loads the specified JavaScript File from iCloud into Safari... JavaScript Console: Executes JavaScript Commands from a Console and displays the... Open QR in a Photo, File, PDF, Image or Screenshot: This Shortcut takes in a QR Code as an...