Google Maps Archives -

Get Direction on Apple Maps from Google Maps Place

While you’re browsing a place on Google maps, maybe you’d like have the better direction experience on Apple maps? This shortcut can help you go directly from Google Maps to Apple Maps in a second. (Instructions: Just tap the share button on Google Maps,...

Check Review on Google Maps from Apple Maps

While you’re browsing a place on your default maps, maybe you’d like to learn the reviews on Google maps, this can help you go directly from Apple Maps to Google Maps in a second. (Instructions: Just tap the share button on Apple Maps, and tap this...

Get me pronto

Quick search of the route to ATMs, parking lots, pharmacies and tobacconists (or whatever) by choosing between , Waze, Google Maps.

Dinner Decision Maker

Can’t decide what you want to eat for dinner? No worries, Dinner Decision maker can decide for you!


Checks travel time to work or home depending on time of day. If longer than a specified amount, it brings up directions. It also starts the podcast playlist via Castro.