Business Archives - Page 3 of 16 -

Upload Document To Paperless

This shortcut provides a simple way to upload documents from your iPhone to your paperless server. To use it, tap the share icon for PDFs or images, and then select this shortcut from the share sheet. Alternatively, you can run the shortcut and choose the image you...

Download Document from Paperless-URL

With this shortcut, you can easily save or share documents from your Paperless server just like native files. Although saving documents directly within the Paperless PWA isn’t possible due to the Fullscreen iOS Preview, this shortcut provides a solution. To use...

Beregn Benzin Forbrug

Brug denne Shortcut, hvis du gerne vil finde ud af hvor meget det har kostet dig, at køre en tur.


Get the value of your Bitcoin. Do you acquire Satoshi in various amounts and want a way to determine the value without having to use a search engine? Do you simply want to see the value of your Bitcoin? BTC to USD may be the tool you need. Simply enter the amount of...

Vokabeln 2

Erstelle ein Wörterbuch, aus dem du, mit meinem andren Kurzbefehl „Vokabeln 1“ , dich in deinen Vokabeln für Schule, Uni etc. abfragen lassen kannst.