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web shortcuts

quickly tap a button and access chat gpt or google or any website. YOU MUST HAVE THE REMINDERS APP TO RUN THIS SHORTCUT. when you get the shortcut with the link provided, it will give you a shortcut called ‘run immediately’ do so and it will do the...

In-app Sharing

Share texts (messages), files, medias via a shortcut, also it’s able to share in-apps!


Question uses Perplexity to fulfill your deepest request 😝 This shortcut will NOT work without Perplexity app. Just say “Siri, question?”

Remove Paywall

Remove Paywall is a shortcut that makes it quick and easy to access the information you’re seeking in two simple taps! Simply select it from the share menu either directly from a webpage or as highlighted text then choose which service you’d prefer. In...

Look Up On Wiktionary

Quickly look up the definition or etymology of a word through a Siri command or by highlighting text and selecting the shortcut from the Share Menu.