Apple Music Archives - Page 3 of 4 -

Play Playlist

Instead of having to go to the Apple Music App each time, you can have three options to chose from your widgets! The only thing you need to do once you’re done installing the widget is choose the playlist you want to play by selecting them on the “Get playlist”...

Create Apple Music Playlist from Spotify Playlist

This Shortcut creates a playlist in Apple Music from a Spotify Playlist opened in Safari. Change “” to “” in the URL. Only works with this “embed” view of the Playlist. Open Shortcut...

Play A Random TKKG Episode

This shortcut plays a random episode of the German radio play series TKKG. Already played episodes are saved in a file and will not be considered next time. Only works in the German iTunes Store.

Rick Roll

An instant Rick Roll at your fingertips. You could even customise the shortcut to hide as another app and bamboozle others.

8-Minute Shower Shuffle

This shortcut sets a default timer of 8 minutes for your shower, during which you don’t need to press any buttons for triggering your shower playlist. It’s great for work days, when you want to have a controlled shower time. It plays selected playlist...