waze Archives - ShortcutsGallery.com

Get me pronto

Quick search of the route to ATMs, parking lots, pharmacies and tobacconists (or whatever) by choosing between , Waze, Google Maps.

Dinner Decision Maker

Can’t decide what you want to eat for dinner? No worries, Dinner Decision maker can decide for you!

Home/Work toggle

This shortcuts automatically takes you “Home” when you’re at work; and takes you at “Work” when you’re home. When it can’t locate you, it asks you if you want to go “Home” or to “Work”. It uses Waze by...

Waze To Address

Get direction to copied or browser shared address in Waze. If no address in clipboard then shortcut ask to dictate or enter an address

Home/Work toggle

A Shortcut that automatically takes you “Home” when you’re at work; and takes you at “Work” when you’re home. (It uses Waze, but you can change it)