WhatsApp Archives - ShortcutsGallery.com


-— SaturnBotv1.1 —- -— Note —- This is an advanced Bot so changing code might break things. ⚠️ -— Commands —- – basic – • /help : shows a list of all commands • /dice : rolls a dice • /today : shows the date, weather, etc. • /about : shows info about the...


SPAM or WA SPAM is a shortcut to spam messages on WhatsApp.

Whatsapp no.

Help you to add people Whatsapp number without saving to your contacts.

Send WA message

This shortcut allows to send a WhatsApp message to any number not needing to add it as a contact. The number can be typed, grabbed from clipboard or shared from phone-call logs (info -> share -> Send WA message)

Send Whatsapp to non-contact

works around the bugs that WhatsApp added so we can continue to chat with people without actually adding them to your contact list.