195 results for "Photo & Video" shortcuts. Chrunos Multi DownloaderDownload videos and music from multiple sources including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud, Spotify, Tidal, etc. - Chrunos Switch to Random Wallpaper PhotoSwitches your wallpaper to a random photo from your library. - BestShortcutCreator3000 iPhone Theft Detection v1.3iPhone captures photo of the face of the person who accesses your phone without you knowing and sends the photo to your email so if you lose your phone you can log into your email on another device and see the photo of who's on your phone. (works best if you make sure all your apps require Face ID). - _kadence.dawes ScreenToTextMit diesem Shortcut können sie ganz einfach Inhalte auf ihrem Bildschirm in Text umwandeln. Einfach und Schnell! - Infiloo Multicanais BrasilWelcome to MulticanaisBr.Pro! If you are a football fan and want to watch football matches online for free, you are in the right place. Viewers can watch the Multicanal Game live in HD quality without paying anything. Every Multicanal is 100% free to watch! - Multicanais Return Youtube DislikesReturn Youtube Dislikes, inject the https://github.com/Anarios/return-youtube-dislike script to any current youtube video on Safari. You need to click share the page then select “Return Youtube Dislikes” - Intika Youtube Subscriptions In SafariOpen Youtube subscriptions page in Safari instead of Youtube app - Intika Youtube NotificationsOpen directly the notifications page on the Youtube app - Intika Search and delete same or similar photoFrom the input photo the gallery is searched for a pic with the same size/height/width then asks for deletion - Intika Youtube SubscriptionsOpen directly the subscriptions page on the Youtube app - Intika AykoinstagramInstagram downloader İcloud drive saves Ultra fast one time execpt - Aykut Kaygisiz Remove BackgroundThis shortcut helps you remove the background from a photo. - NHZG0AT Mp4 to M4a ConverterConvert your videos to audios. You can edit it’s metadata. - Ken Open,view,shareThis shortcut help you to share many files,photos,videos,Contacts And you can paste Anything and open it or paste and share Picture CompressionHelps reduce image sizes. Use HEIF for best results. Video CompressionHelps reduce video size by compressing. Use HVEC options for best results. Markup Latest PhotoMarkup Latest Photo is a shortcut that shows your latest photo and you can edit it! 🔴You can activate this Siri shortcut by saying “Hey Siri Markup Latest Photo“ and Siri will automatically turn on this shortcut!🔴 - CoolM AiScriber✨ Turn your photos into a description ✨ This is a one of a kind, free to use, Ai image describer. - Gwa Shark Download from youtube | UPull.mehttps://upull.me email: [email protected] download audio and video from youtube - Upull Aspect Ratio LetterboxCrop a batch of images with a letterboxed aspect ratio Example crop images with a 1.77 aspect ratio to remove the black bars, leaving only the creative content with an aspect ratio of 2.39 ready to share on their native aspect ratio - supervago123 QuickPic MarkupQuickPic Markup Can add multiple layers of markup to photos. - Metaphor Shortcuts Camera+This shortcut has the camera features. (I made this for fun) 🍕🍕 - CoolM Blur imageBlur image is a shortcut that blurs a picture that you chose. - CoolM Video to AudioShortcut to convert mp4 files(, or videoes) into mp3 files(, or audios) - Jake Hong Mav Export | Download TikTok Video Without WatermarkMav Export is a free iOS shortcut to download TikTok videos for free without any watermark. How To Download : Select Desired Video From TikTok App > Click On Share > Click On Others > Select Mav Export > Done! Video will be saved in Recent Photos section of your iPhone or iPad. Image editorEvery image editing shortcut put togther into one and held togther by ducktape and prayers! =D - GrilledCheez BonjourMadameShow a random image of BonjourMadame - XorHak Video to GIFEver wanted to make a GIF from a video but you couldn’t find the perfect tool? This is the perfect tool for you! It’s quick and easy, and you don’t even need to worry about the network speed! - Marcel364 Imports Video or music to VLC Media player.Import videos to VLC media player very easily and fast. click on this shortcut or shere button to import vidoe or music. - MrZihad Webcam Ferry TexelAlways wanted to go to Texel, but no time? Then simply view the live images of the Texel ferry! Images on Texel and Den Helder! - Levi Colijn Load more